April 2007

Well I don’t seem to get to this very often, once every six months…. oh well must mean I am doing lots of sewing…. PLUS, since I was last here, I have started working out at the gym 🙂   and back to some serious 😉 kayaking….not much time to write……
I have uplaoded a few new photos, and added a new album in which I have put a few Wedding quilts I have made. The last one yet to be quilted.
Still doing some art quilting, and experimenting with various techniques. some of which I probably won’t go further with. But it’s all interesting… and definitely fun!
Reddy Art quilters have a challenge on currently,  and we will be displaying the end results at the Queensland Quilt Show in October at the Quilt and Craft Fair at the Convention Centre at South Bank.  It is proving to be a lot of fun and I think we will come up with some very different quilts! Entering into the reallm of textile art,  as opposed to bed quilts.
Now I am off to do a bit more sewing….