The end of year rush

Last ditch sewing projects before the holidays arrive! Madly trying to get a challenge out of the way…I  have promised myself a few weeks of relaxing and drawing…. camping, canoeing, and minding the dogs…. Bailey my little shadow


and Charli my patient orthopaedic hardware buddy…. she is coming along well, now managing a couple of 600m walks daily, with a few short bursts around the yard in between…. hates being cooped up, loves sitting outside except when the sun is blazing and there is no shade, or if there is thunder about….. we are 5 weeks down, 7 to go…  then she should be able to tackle the stairs and rejoin the family upstairs… IMG_3439

in the meantime, there is this stitching to do….. currently tackling a small square piece for an exhibition in 2020….. I have a few months to get it finished, but it’s been in the pipeline for a little while, so it’s good to get it done and move on to other things. Red mangroves….

I also have finished my Reddy Arts 2018 challenge, which is destined for another 2020 exhibition… just making the decision about how to finish it…. as an art quilt, or mounted on a canvas….. I am inclined to lean toward the latter….  here it is still in the raw state…. but I think the stitching is finished…. unless I decide I need to add a little more to the rock…

If I manage to do all of these things, I might have some time to consider the 2QAQ exhibition…. or the AQC…. but those deadlines are coming up fast!  Something really magical will have to happen to get something into the AQC…. on the other hand, my weed patch needs some attention, but if we continue to get heatwaves….. that might have to wait until the winter!