Ekka week 07

Not that I have any entries in the Qld RNA Quilts Across Queensland competition this year – just been too busy making quilts most of which I have given away this year so far. And apart from that I have been working on a group project with a few  art quilting buddies, which has been fairly time consuming…. but some of my friends entered – AND WON! so we are all celebrating, it’s fantastic when one’ s friends can also know the thrill of winning a prize, and so I am very happy too! It is just as good as  winning myself
Besides my two group project quilts, which will be shown  along with the other’s quilts at the QLD QUilt SHOW in October (24th – 28th) at the Brisbane Convention Centre, Southbank, I am working on yet another wedding quilt!!! this one will be shown in the QQS also, at least that is the plan at this stage… the wedding is not until Feb 08, so plenty fo time! So I will post a photo of it when it is finshed…. then I just might get another quilt finished, depends on how the other ones go and how many other demands the family might make on my time.
I’ve uploaded a few photos of some quilted diary and sketchbook covers I made for Christmas gifts last year – these were fun and easy to make.