Week 3 2012

Latest quilt, for the Exhibition Beneath the Southern Sky – here is a little detail of it to tantalise!

Detail of "Mother and Child " Beneath the Southern Skies"

With that completed, I have been working on some preliminary drawings for my third piece for the Reddy Arts Textile Group’s upcoming exhibition to be held late July and August 2012 at the Redcliffe Art Gallery. This will take some considerable time to complete, but it is shaping up to be a fantastic show judging by the work the other members are producing!!

Ngunguru Estuary Prelim drawing
Ngunguru Estuary Prelim drawing

Oh and by the way, I did finally, today, figure out what my New Year’s Resolution is to be: PAY ATTENTION.

2012 – a New Ye…

2012 – a New Year (again) I am trying to avoid resolutions but there has been quite a bit of discussion regarding these…. I did think I would do my shoulder exercises everyday… well today I have been machine sewing, does that count? I think another could be to do some sewing every day as well. Even if it is only for five minutes. And perhaps a 30 minute stint of housework daily, is that enough time to keep the house clean? And to update my blog weekly…. oh and walk the dogs… but today it was just TOO HOT here to even poke one’s nose out the door……. I haven’t sewn for at least 8 weeks until today – tidied up the sewing room, (30 mins) and then unpacked my sewing machine…. I am working on a piece to enter into the Beneath the Southern Skies juried exhibition – if I can get it completed in time for the entry deadline 25 January….. I might have some picks of some work done since my last post… probably stuff for the bach as I don’t seem to have done much else, last year – although I did complete a quilt for my new bed….

This quilt made to reduce my "stash" didn't seem to make any difference... still have several boxes of fabrics to deal with...